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Everything posted by KyNNNNeR

  1. by the way nice English for developer
  2. there u go ^^ https://dzair-gaming.com/application/form/4-report-admin/
  3. the demo that i ask for is in map : dust2 before the map ends the one that you give me : playing time : 1min 10sec be careful next time im watching you *-* UNBANNED
  4. don't spam they will answers you in old request
  5. skins haylin lidarthom new ta3 vip khalihom nrmlment ga3 3jbohom 😛
  6. msbh w ana ntfrj nhws 3la asmi ida 9tltni hata l9ith f tali ta3 video hhhhhh wp ❤️
  7. ta3 tero chwiya mlih ta3 ct lirah f server khir mnh xd
  8. next time thdr m3aya f cs b 3fsa 3ayana godam players dik hadra nji ndirhalk f real life ^^
  9. You nick: KyNNNNéR Admin/Staff nick: admin called "Agent pénia" Reasons: insulting in public Screenshot or demo: [HUD] Agent Pénia : yawedi roh taati roh [HUD] Agent Pénia : matnsach dirha f froum https://i.imgur.com/DMWJuFa.png Time: 11/16/2022
  10. glk dirlh scan f dik d9i9a (2days or 4days before) mach glk dirh lyom w b3t scan anyways upload demo one of those the demo that u got ban in it i will check it me and some admins and we'll see , upload it here : https://files.fm
  11. @ rayan magolnalkch dirlna l cs t3k upload golnalk roh l dossier ta3 cs w dkhol cstrike tjbr hado 👇 DzairGamingDemo-de_dust2.dem dirha f had site https://files.fm w b3tha hna
  12. Upload it, use this website: https://files.fm And send the link here
  13. he told me that u used something like speed hack in shotgun or bug but i don't think its bug you used cheat anyways upload the demo in cstrike like @kak shows you ☝️
  14. @ kak agl3ni m admin frr rani deja hdrt m3a @ Crimson hadi 1week
  15. by the way he was cheating after a player asked for his scan he left the server and comeback and he was happy about scanning after i checked the scan look what i found check the cs opened time nd wCD timeStamp=scan begin 😉 CS opened at: 12.10.2022 18:46:33 wCD TimeStamp: 12.10.2022 18:49:16 System TimeStamp: 12.10.2022 18:51:05
  16. accusing me for cheating while he is the one cheating and telling the server im cheater while i scan for him twice imagine he was cheating i know that he was but i didn't talk so he left server turn off the cheat and comeback to telling me to scan and what i did i scan for him xddd and he still telling player about me play away kiddo and be a man and play with ur name and talk with ur name
  17. using his sister account. xd who the one is playing the boy its easy to use his name not joining the server and the community and the admin with his sis name is that hard to do ?



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