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m4m3tss last won the day on September 4

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  1. Next time upload demo, so we can extend your ban.
  2. This guy played 45 in about 10 days. During that time, the server was down for several days It is almost a day per week, 4 hours a day is not that much. i think it's not that much. Otherwise, i would increase the duration
  3. Read This Before Applying: To finish this event, make sure you fulfill each of the following requirements: Registered in-game nickname. Enter the server and type /reg. Completed a total of 250 hours in no more than 2 Months! (search for your nick here.) Have not previously acquired any event weapons. Have never used any kind of cheats before. (If so, immediately disqualified.) How to apply? Create new thread: Name must be (EVENT-Nick): Your nickname: How many hours you have played: Link to your stats: (example) What weapon do you want? Other words:
  4. Thanatos-7: Quest: Complete a total of 250 Hours played in no more than 2 months. Price: 200.000$ Advantages: High damage in both modes High accuracy in A mode Blade can kill multiple enemies at once Blades deal damage for a long time Blades are extremely effective towards zombies Short reload time High rate of fire Unlimited blade amount Does not harm the users if they are in the blade's range Disadvantages: High recoil Heavy weight Expensive price Low spare ammo Takes time to activate the blades Blades take time to travel distances Cannot shoot while activating or recharging the blades
  5. You will be able to see in this thread the steps and requirements needed to finish a specific event. Afterwards, completing tasks will enable you to select one of the following: Thunderbolt: Quest: Complete a total of 250 hours played in no more than 2 months. Price: 150.000$ Advantages: Massive damage to zombies, bosses and walls Very accurate even when walking without using the scope Freeze zombies for 1.35 seconds Scope emits sound and reticle turns red whenever an enemy is targeted at Short reload time High penetration power Disadvantages: Long drawing time Very heavy Expensive price Low reserve ammo Single shot only Cannot share ammo with other weapons
  6. m4m3tss

    [EVENT] Janus-XI

    You will be able to see in this thread the steps and requirements needed to finish a specific event. Afterwards, completing tasks will enable you to select one of the following: Janus-IV: Quest: Complete a total of 250 Hours played in no more than 3 months OR: Quest: Kill/Infect a total of 10.000 humans/zombies. Price: 150.000$ Advantages: High clip size. Higher damage and higher rate of fire in Janus form. Laser beams can penetrate objects. High stun power. Disadvantages: Heavy weight Janus form is available for a limited time only. Low rate of fire in normal mode. Expensive price. Inaccurate at long range. Takes time to achieve Janus form.
  7. First she gagged you 1 hour only, then you started arguing and you told her to shut up? I checked logs and you were swearing so much. And dont bringing politics into the game. have fun or leave Next time you will gag for 1 week T/C Rejected
  8. Upload demo, or at least upload screenshots from console!
  9. Please fill out the following information to apply as a helper on our Zombie Mystical server. Nickname in Game: (Please enter your in-game nickname) Real Name: (Please enter your real name) Age: (How old are you?) Experience: (Briefly describe your experience with Counter-Strike 1.6 and Zombie servers. How long have you been playing?) Played Time: (Approximately how much time have you already spent on our server?) Weekly Play Time: (How many hours can you play to the server each week?)
  10. Your in-game nick: What do you want to recover?: Describe how you lost them: Proof of privileges:



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